Why do we need to learn English????

When I was in junior high school one of my friends who declared himself as "anti-English" asked me, "why do we need to learn English? It's not like we're going to western countries or else." Moreover he told me that he hate English because he found it very difficult. I told him that time why we need to learn English because English is universal language. Then, as a student we need it for our future- that's the long term goal- or at least to pass our national assessment. I suggested him to try to enjoy English as much as he can, because as we know we would find it hard to absorb the lesson if we do not like it.

Well,that's one of my experiences in learning English. Is there anyone who feels like my friend? I hope no one ever felt the same way with my friend, because english is like a passport that can lead us to where we want to go.

Let's have fun with English.


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